Mobile First Communication

The latest industry trend as reported by ‘Grapevine Recruitment’ recently is SMS interviews …. yes you raed it correctly!!
There are many benefits firstly, recruiters will save time with the ability to send questions to multiple candidates instantaneously. Not …

January 14, 2019

GDPR and Text Messaging

GDPR is your responsibility and we do recommend you seek legal advice as any information we give is simply a guideline.
We are increasingly being asked, β€œCan I still send SMS to customers now that GDPR has come into …

August 8, 2018

CreateText – Quick User Guide July 2018

Click HERE to download the Quick User Guide
Following out recent upgrade we have compiled a ‘Quick User Guide’ to help you familiarise your self with our up-graded platform.
The guideΒ covers the most common tasks you the user would likely …

July 8, 2018

Is CreateText for you?

CreateText is for anyone that wants to contact their customers, clients or members and put all those numbers you have collected to good use. Whether you’re sending messages for appointment scheduling/notifications, parishioners and community groups, sports fixtures, looking …

May 15, 2018

Dealing with people Opting Out

Don’t take it personally ! When clients, customers or even members of a group signed up to receive your messages they were happy to do so. Life moves on and situations may change so people are well within …

April 28, 2018

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